S.H.I.N.E. and WIN by L.T. Lewis

About the Book:

Title: S.H.I.N.E. and WIN: 5 Keys to Conquer the Fear of Failure
Author: L.T. Lewis
Publisher: Kick Boxing Believers, L.L.C.
Pages: 18
Genre: Nonfiction Success/Self-Help   

If you feel stuck in a mediocre life and you can’t seem to break free, be inspired by the guidance of L.T. Lewis in S.H.I.N.E. and WIN: 5 Keys to Conquer the Fear of Failure.  As a Spiritual Strategist, Coach and Entrepreneur, L.T. utilizes time-tested truths and spiritual secrets to help women identify the fears and beliefs that are keeping them boxed into an ordinary life.  To live the life you desire, rise above your obstacles, SHINE and WIN.

Launched at #8 on Amazon in Success Self Help.

S.H.I.N.E. and WIN: 5 Keys to Conquer the Fear of Failure is available at Amazon 

I am in the industry of spiritual empowerment and transformation.  I got started in this industry many years ago by accident, so to speak.  By all indicators, I was living a good life.  I had focused all of energies on advancing my career in order to adequately raise my children.  My children were young adults, and after they launched into their lives, I finally had an opportunity to sit and think; hey what would I like to do with myself now?  What would I like to do in the next stage of my life?

I had to overcome a lot of limiting beliefs in order to move forward after my divorce.  All the limiting beliefs that I had to address while I was moving up the career ladder and lost what I believed to be my dream job.  In particular the fear of failure was at the core.  The steps that I had to take repeatedly to eradicate the fear of failure and authentically live the out-of-the-box life I believe I was created to live.  I decided to turn this journey into a business, and that how Kick Boxing Believers, LLC, was born.  Along the way, I have mentored hundreds of women to do the same thing that I have done and live an authentic, transformed, and fearless, out-of-the-box life!

This book is primarily for women who have already achieved success in various areas of their lives, but they want more.  They want to live a more out-of-the-box life instead of a life others expect them to live.  They dream about doing more with their lives and creating opportunities.  After reading this book, I want you to take away that failure in not something to be feared or avoided.  Actually, when it’s viewed through the lens of faith, failure is simply a footstool to living an out-of-the-box life.

There a better way to look at fear: embrace it and use it to your advantage instead of your disadvantage.  For example, when I lost what I felt was my dream job, the situation looked like failure to me, and I also felt like a complete failure.  I had worked so hard to get that position.  After grieving over the loss, I turned to my faith and took another look at the failure I was experiencing.  This failure was merely a stepping stone to my next level of living the more authentic out-of-the-box life I desired.  Had I not lost that job, I wouldn’t have started my business.  So failure is just part of the course.

L.T. Lewis wanted more for her life. She knew she was put here in this life experience for more than she was getting accomplished. She found herself meeting others with that same sense of "There must be more."

She created this document, this guidebook, from her personal experiences, and from the interactions she has had with others at their end-of-life revelations. 
I won't spoil it for you by sharing her formula, but it involves facing fear and doing the work.
My biggest take away from the book is that faith is and fear can not coexist in the same time and emotions.
This book is really an introduction to the concept of S.H.I.N.E. and is best used in conjunction with additional coaching and guidance.

About the Author

Lisa (L.T.) Lewis is a Spiritual Strategist, Author, Speaker and Coach.  She is the Founder & CEO of Kick Boxing Believers, L.L.C. a transformational business dedicated to helping individuals identify and kick the limiting beliefs/boxes in their lives.  Facilitating ‘next level’, free- from-boxes-living for her clients is her life's joy!  She champions this in a creatively energizing way with life-changing impact via her writings, speeches, seminars, workshops, tele-classes, webinars and coaching sessions.

L.T. also has the following tools that she brings to the table in service to you:
·       20+ Years Management in the Public Sector
·       Certificate in Public Leadership
·       Certificate in Personal Development Coaching
·       Best Selling Author
·       Ordained Clergy


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