Accepted, Secured, Significant by Kemley Whiteside
Accepted, Secured, Significant:
Book Description
This text is a spiritual and inspirational journey for those drawn away from their purpose by the circumstances of their lives. This book is dedicated to those told they would never amount to anything.
It is for those told they would be just like their mother or father, that they are idiots, mistakes, and failures. It is for the pushed aside and ignored. It is for those under shadow, and for those abused from childhood. It is for the molested, and the ones told that no one loves them and no one ever would. It is for the misled and mistreated. It is for the suicidal. It is for the victims of domestic violence and abusive relationships. It is for those in spiritual bondage, and those who don’t believe in themselves. It is for those suffering from cancer or other diseases. It is for the motherless, fatherless, jobless, and homeless. It is for the depressive and anxious, the lonely and isolated. This book is for the hopeless.
To my brothers and sisters who need a way out: This book was written just for you. It is to polish your existence and your purpose on this earth.
This book was inspired and written by the Holy Spirit to assure you that, as a child of God, you no longer have to feel bound by labels and curses spoken over the course of your life. God wants to reinforce in your heart how valuable you are and how much you mean to Him. He wants you to know that through Him, you are Accepted, Secured, and Significant.
Do you relax?
I have to honestly say that I do not have time to relax but I take a few breaks and hours within the day to relax a bit. I am an ongoing machine with limited sleep. Is not a good habit to practice, and is best to take time to relax.
Do you prefer e-books or hard copy books?
I am a little old-fashion and I prefer a hard copy. I know that today we have technology at our feet, but I still like having a book at hand.
What is your primary language?
I am Hispanic, therefore I speak Spanish. I learned English at an early age. I am comfortable with both languages.
Give us an interesting fun fact about your book?
One of the greatest fun facts about my book, is that two months prior to launching the book, it had to be edited because of the discovery of my biological father who happened to be mentioned in the book and we just found each other. We had to edit the book prior to publishing because in the book I express how I have not known my father and the void I felt in my life not knowing and that forty years of prayers have been ongoing and it finally came to pass.
What do you consider to be your best accomplishment?
I consider my best accomplishment being able to accept my call on my life. I am also honored to have accomplished my educational career, but to live for God is absolutely an enjoyment.
Kemley Whiteside is a native of the Republic of Panama, a survivor and overcomer. Kemley resides in the state of New Jersey with her husband and children.
She is ordained to help build by empowering, igniting, and fulfilling people into their purpose. She is a life-coach, mentor, inspiration, motivational speaker, and a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
She is the survivor of an anxiety disorder, depression, cancer, Lyme disease, domestic violence, and suicide. She is the survivor of physical, emotional, and mental abuse. These obstacles have strengthened her life and her purpose.
She is a woman birthing life to others by embracing them with confidence, and helping them achieve their calling. Kemley Whiteside earned her MA in Pastoral Counseling from Liberty University, and her MBA in Project Management from Ashford University. She holds a BS in Information Technology from Phoenix University and has over fifteen certifications.
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