The Boy Who Dreamt of Fire Trucks by Alvita Mack

Book Details:

Book Title: The Boy Who Dreamt of Fire Trucks by Alvita Mack
Category: Children's Fiction (Ages 3-7), 26 pages
Genre: Children's Books, Cars, Trains & Things That Go, Cars & Trucks
Publisher: Mindstir Media
Release date: September 26, 2016
Tour dates: May 28 to June 22, 2018
Content Rating: G

Book Description:

This story is about a little boy who is fascinated by fire trucks. Throughout his early life, he has dreams about the adventures at the station and the exciting life of a firefighter. The little boy holds his dreams close until one day they become a reality.

To follow the tour please visit Alvita Mack's page on iRead Book Tours.

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How I Cam​e
to Write​ ​
The Boy Who Dreamt of Fire Trucks 
by Alvita Mack

I actually wrote this book by the seat of my pants.
It was a normal day, my son drew a picture of a fire truck, and I sat with him to write a story to go along with it. After writing two sentences I realized they rhymed with one another, so I challenged myself to continue to write.
 Before I knew it, I wrote a whole story. Of course, a couple of words needed to be changed around, but the story was written in a matter of minutes. I think the words came to me so fluidly because they weren’t forced; I had a creative spurt that evolved from watching my son play with fire trucks. 

I also wanted my book to be inspiring with a central message that would capture the hearts and minds of young children.   I have read dozens of books based on firemen, fire trucks, and fire stations, but I haven’t read a book quite like this. 
 A lot of the books were informational which is great, but I wanted to write a book that would motivate my son and children everywhere to work really hard and dream beyond their wildest imagination. I thought it would be really cool to project the possibility of dreams becoming a reality. 

Another factor that makes this book unique is that it's based on the dreams of a real little boy.

Meet the Author:

Alvita is a lover of writing, a teacher, and most importantly, a mom. Writing has always provided a creative outlet for which she finds sensible solutions. Having a son with developmental delays was very challenging for her. However, she used books and original stories to help him overcome the obstacles he faced at an early age. Alvita believes that the imagination is truly a key that unlocks the doors to an endless journey.

Connect with the author: Website ~ Twitter ~ Facebook ~ Pinterest ~ Instagram


  1. congratulations. how wonderful how the book got its start. I know a few great nephews that would love this. thanks for sharing your heart.

  2. Hey very nice blog!


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