Book Details:

Book Title:  Lighten Your Mental Load by Amy Thornton
Category:  Adult non-fiction,  129 pages
Genre:  Self-Help
Publisher:  Tell-Tale Publishing
Release date:   January, 2020
Tour dates: Apr 13 to May 1, 2020
Content Rating:  PG: The author uses occasional mild swear words in the book.

Book Description:

Mental labor, or the mental load, involves the many — and extremely varied — tasks that are involved in managing a household and/or workplace. This topic has exploded over the past couple of years, especially for women. As stated in an October 2017 Washington Post article, “The constant stress of trying to stay organized — and to remember to execute so many tasks every single day — is affecting women's relationships with their spouses, children, friends, and colleagues. They are experiencing mental, emotional, and physical fatigue trying to stay on top of it all.”

Lighten Your Mental Load shares real stories of what this load is like for both men and women across the globe and how it originated. It offers practical advice on how to lighten this burden through technology and other methods in the following areas:
• Home
• Shopping and Meals
• Marriage/Partners
• Children
• Pets
• Transportation
• Career
• Birthdays, Celebrations, Holidays, and Vacations
• Volunteering, Church Activities, and Hobbies
• Caregiving
• Retirement

Finally, the book discusses ways to not add to the mental load of others and how we can more evenly distribute the mental labor between both sexes for future generations.

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What is your next project?

I’ve literally been working on my next project since October of 2018! It will be a compilation of columns that I’ve written for our local newspaper, The Hamilton County Reporter.

“Sandwiched” talks about my journey as a member of the sandwich generation – those who are working and taking care of their own families as well as their parents. I’ve been the main caregiver for my mother ever since she moved to an assisted living facility five minutes away from me in December of 2016.

While I love this role and having her live close by, entering this generation has added some extra stress to my life. And I know others feel the same way. Over 40 million people take care of their elderly parents in the United States!

My column gives information to help ease this stress, shares some of my experiences, and (hopefully!) brings occasional laughter. I intend to go through all of my columns in late 2020, edit them, and compile them into a book called Sandwiched that will be published in 2021.

I had written a column for another paper years ago but never had the response this one has generated! I hope to help millions around the globe to breathe easier and laugh a bit while navigating this role.

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Meet the Author:  

Amy Thornton Shankland, GPC, has been battling the mental load for over 29 years. She is a former Dale Carnegie instructor, has been a grant professional for 18 years, is a columnist for the Hamilton County Reporter in Central Indiana, and a wife and mother. She also published Joy to You and Me (At Work!) in 2018 through Tell-Tale Publishing.

Connect with the Author:  website ~ facebook ~ twitter


  1. Thank you for featuring my book today! I hope it helps millions lighten their mental loads.


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