That'll Do Pippin!

Author: Anne Kaufman
Publisher: Brownridge Publishing
Pages: 68
Genre: Children’s Picture Book


Pippin and Nigel are two charming puppy brothers who live on a wonderful farm. They are best buddies and do everything together. They are full of mischief, energy and fun! Pippin is the smaller puppy who wants with all his heart to be like his brother Nigel. Nigel is brave. Nigel is strong. Nigel is smart. One day, the puppies escape from their yard into the woods where they experience many adventures. Nigel is always there to help and protect Pippin. Then Pippin solves a dangerous problem all by himself and learns that it is okay just to be Pippin. 

This story teaches young children the importance of believing in themselves and that they each have their own wonderful gifts and abilities.


A very energetic and entertaining read! I strongly recommend this for anyone who enjoys puppy antics and working dogs.
The book opens as Pippin's brothers and sisters are headed for their own new homes. Only Nigel and Pippin remain on the farm, the only home they have ever known.
Nigel is very rough and tumble. Pippin is quieter, more thoughtful.
Nigel acts before he thinks. If it looks like fun, he goes ahead full speed. Pippin wishes he could be more like Nigel or the older, working dogs.
One day Nigel and Pippin find themselves on an adventure. Pippin feels like he should not follow Nigel, but it turns out to be a good thing the brothers are able to look out for each other.
BUT, can they find their way home again?
This is an exciting read and opens the door for discussions each time you read it.
The illustrations are beautiful and fun.

Anne Kaufmann is both the illustrator and author of the Pippin and Nigel adventure series for young children. She is the also the author of “Glenn Gould: Sketches of Solitude.” 
Anne is a former teacher librarian. She studied English Literature at Wilfrid Laurier University and the University of Toronto.
Her passions include music, books, animals and creating nature journals. 
She has shared her life with dogs, horses, cats and birds.
A nature lover, she spends many hours exploring the forests north of her home and walking her dogs, Indy, Maya and Pippin.
She loves spending time with her horse, Aria. 
Some of her favourite childhood memories include summers at her cottage on Lake Simcoe, settling back on the family couch reading while listening to her dad’s weekly String Quartet group, playing with her dogs and wishing for a horse.
 She is currently working on the third book of the Pippin and Nigel Adventure series and  a historical fiction novel on the great Canadian horse and Kentucky Derby winner, Northern Dancer.
She lives in Ontario, Canada.


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